Ultimate Strongman

# of Contests: 4
Years: 2016-2018

All Ultimate Strongman Competitions
Date Contest Div. Location 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
2018-06-03 2018 SummermaniaOpen Southampton, England Martins Licis Mateusz Kieliszkowski Konstantine Janashia
2017-06-17 2017 Viking ApocalypseOpen Odense, Denmark Vytautas Lalas Mateusz Kieliszkowski Konstantine Janashia
2017-06-10 2017 SummermaniaOpen Southampton, England Martins Licis Mateusz Kieliszkowski Žydrūnas Savickas
2016-12-10 2016 Ultimate Strongman World ChampionshipsOpen Newcastle upon Tyne, England Laurence Shahlaei Grzegorz Szymański Mikhail Shivlyakov

All Ultimate Strongman Athletes
Search Name Last Name First Name Country Active Appearances Wins
Belsak Matjaz Belšak Matjaž SLO2011-202010
Dawson Eric Cookie Monster Dawson Eric USA2015-202310
Gordzielik Raffael Gordzielik Raffael GER2016-201930
Gough Charlie Gough Charlie GBR2016-201710
Hadge Nick Hadge Nick USA2016-202120
Hadge Zach Hadge Zach USA2015-202110
Hall Eddie The Beast Hall Eddie GBR2012-201810
Heinla Rauno Heinla Rauno EST2009-202520
Hicks Graham Hixxy Hicks Graham GBR2012-202410
Hollands Terry Big Tel Hollands Terry GBR2005-202130
Janashia Konstantine Georgian Bull Janashia Konstantine GEO2011-202430
Kieliszkowski Mateusz Kieliszkowski Mateusz POL2014-202530
Lalas Vytautas Lalas Vytautas LTU2007-201821
Leicht Mikkel Leicht Mikkel DEN2010-201820
Licis Martins Licis Martins USA2015-202422
Lund Morten Lund Morten DEN2017-201710
O'Dwyer Pa O'Dwyer Pa IRL2014-202510
Poundstone Derek Poundstone Derek USA2006-201710
Sanou Cheick Iron Biby Sanou Cheick BUR2016-202410
Savatinov Dimitar Savatinov Dimitar BUL2013-202210
Savickas Zydrunas Big Z Savickas Žydrūnas LTU1996-202220
Shahlaei Laurence Big Loz Shahlaei Laurence GBR2007-202121
Shivlyakov Mikhail Shivlyakov Mikhail RUS2011-202520
Smith Paul Smith Paul GBR2016-202410
Stoltman Tom The Albatross Stoltman Tom GBR2016-202510
Szymański Grzegorz Szymański Grzegorz POL2007-202410
Thomsen Erik Thomsen Erik DEN2017-201710
Wildauer Martin Wildauer Martin AUT2009-201710