Strongest Woman in the World

# of Contests: 4
Years: 2016-2019

All Strongest Woman in the World Competitions
Date Contest Div. Location 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
2019-08-25 2019 Strongest Woman in the WorldOpen Palmer, Alaska Jessica Fithen Brooke Sousa Britteny Cornelius
2018-07-27 2018 Strongest Woman in the WorldOpen Vinstra, Norway Brooke Sousa Olga Liashchuk Julie Rader
2017-09-16 2017 Strongest Woman in the WorldOpen Las Vegas, Nevada Olga Liashchuk Britteny Cornelius Lidiia Hunko
2016-08-28 2016 Strongest Woman in the WorldOpen Jacksonville, Florida Britteny Cornelius Julie Rader Brooke Sousa

All Strongest Woman in the World Athletes
Search Name Last Name First Name Country Active Appearances Wins
Bundus Jackie Bundus Jackie CAN2018-201810
Burgess Kaitlin Burgess Kaitlin USA2016-201710
Butler Cori Butler Cori USA2018-202310
Cornelius Britteny Cornelius Britteny USA2015-202031
Fithen Jessica Fithen Jessica USA2018-202121
Guy Laura Guy Laura GBR2017-201710
Halladay Tracey Halladay Tracey CAN2016-201710
Hoss Mollie Hoss Mollie USA2016-201720
Hunko Lidiia Hunko Lidiia UKR2016-201810
Liashchuk Olga Liashchuk Olga UKR2016-202521
Morin Émilie Morin Émilie CAN2018-201910
Osczevski Jackie Osczevski Jackie CAN2019-202510
Peck Cerise Peck Cerise USA2016-201610
Rader Julie Rader Julie USA2016-202130
Rhodes Kristin Rhodes Kristin USA2008-201810
Smay Julia Smay Julia USA2016-202210
Sousa Brooke Sousa Brooke USA2016-202141
Thompson Andrea Thompson Andrea GBR2016-202510
Turner Joyce Turner Joyce CAN2016-201710