2025 Arnold Strongwoman Classic
Columbus, Ohio, 2025-02-28 to 2025-03-01
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# Competitor    Country TOT. PTS Max Deadlift Pts Overhead Medley Pts Timber Carry Pts The Big Jerk Pts Carry & Drag Pts Stone to Shoulder Pts

Max Deadlift: Elephant bar, 3 attempts
Overhead Medley: 120 second time limit / 70 kg dumbbell (1 point), 79 kg stone (1 point), 100 kg log (1 point / rep), 122 kg log (10 points / rep)
Timber Carry: 265 kg / 11 meters / 30 second time limit
Carry & Drag: 90 second time limit
Stone to Shoulder: 120 second time limit / 136 kg (10 points / rep) or 113 kg (1 point / rep)

Unit Display: Metric Imperial

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