2020 Imatra Strongman Showdown
Imatra, Finland, 2021-08-14 to 2020-08-15
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# Competitor    Country TOT. PTS Deadlift Pts Dumbbell Press Pts Overhead Medley Pts Medley Pts Loading Race Pts Front Hold Pts Atlas Stones Pts

Deadlift: 343 kg / Axle bar
Dumbbell Press: 92 kg
Overhead Medley: 4 implements / 130 kg barbell, 120 kg block, 92 kg dumbbell, 170 kg axle
Medley: 158 kg farmer's walk + 225 kg duck walk (20 metres each)
Front Hold: 27 kg
Atlas Stones: 6 implements / 130 to 245 kg

Unit Display: Metric Imperial

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