Sergey Daragan
Years Active: 2011-2011
Competition Totals:
Date | Contest | Contest Type | Division | Location | Placing |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Globe's Strongest Man | Open | Moscow, Russia | 11 of 13 |
Date | Contest | Event | Result | Placing |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Atlas Stones (110 to 160 kg) |
9 of 13 | |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Farmer's Walk | DNF | 9 of 13 |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Deadlift | 10 reps | 7 of 13 |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Power Stairs (180-200-220 kg, 5 stairs each) |
29.66 s | 8 of 13 |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Kettlebell Press | 0 reps | 10 of 13 |
2011-07-02 | 2011 Globe's Strongest Man | Truck Pull | 25.49 s | 11 of 13 |