Damian Antoniok
Years Active: 2009-2009
Born: 1983
Weight: 135 kg (298 lbs)
Competition Totals:
Source: Artur Andrzej
Date | Contest | Contest Type | Division | Location | Placing |
2009-08-01 | 2009 Giants Live Poland | Giants Live | Open | Malbork, Poland | 9 of 12 |
Date | Contest | Event | Result | Placing |
2009-08-01 | 2009 Giants Live Poland | Tire Flip (3x 320 kg + 3x 400 kg) |
29.85 s | 6 of 12 |
2009-08-01 | 2009 Giants Live Poland | Deadlift (Car deadlift) |
6 reps | 8 of 12 |
2009-08-01 | 2009 Giants Live Poland | Medley (390 kg yoke + 175 kg farmer's walk (15 m each)) |
30.68 s | 8 of 12 |
This athlete’s birth year is approximated based on his known age at a certain contest or contests, and as such it may be off by one year. |